Previous Events


March 2025


DinoFEST at the Buffalo Museum of Science

DATE: Saturday March 22 2025

TIME: Saturday 10am - 4pm

VENUE: Buffalo Museum of Science (1020 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY)

COST: $24 adults | $22 children | Members FREE | $10 sifting bag with child's ticket (optional)


HOST: Buffalo Museum of Science

This year’s DinoFEST is designed to inspire your budding dino hunter. Navigate four floors of activities suited for different age groups exploring fossils, dinosaurs, and minerals, and learn the skills and tools need to become a paleontologist!

Keep your dino-hunting eyes peeled for hourly appearances of our wandering life-sized Theropod, Spike! Plus, head to our temporary exhibit gallery to experience our oversized foam dino dig pit, get your hands dirty in our oobleck pits, and pan for fossils and gems at our optional sluice sifting station.

New this year: A limited number of sifting bags will be available for pre-purchase with your child’s ticket!

All ages

Cost: $24 for adults | $22 for children, FREE for members | $10 per sifting bag with child’s ticket (optional)

Looking for Sensory Night: DinoFEST? Click here



Buffalo 55th Annual Gem, Mineral, Fossil Show

DATE: Saturday March 15 & Sunday March 16 2025

TIME: Saturday 9am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm

VENUE: Market, Grange & State Police Buildings at the Hamburg Fairgrounds (5820 South Park Ave., Hamburg, NY) (please use South Park Ave entrance)

COST: Adults $7 | 2-Day pass $10 | Scouts in uniform & children 12 yrs and under FREE


HOST: Buffalo Geological Society

This annual show provides an instant museum of Buffalo Geological Society Members’ fossils, minerals, and jewelry; demonstrators; the famous Mini-Mine for young collectors; the new mining operation for children and adults; mineral and fossil identification; and a variety of non-profit exhibitors. Fluorescent mineral exhibit will be available.

In addition, over 33 dealers selling gems, beads, minerals, fossils, and jewelry, selling their items from around the world. A food vendor and hourly door prizes will be available.

Fluorescent Minerals of Northern New York will be presented by Dino Zack, P.G., Senior Geologist/Project Manager, AECOM Technical Services, Inc. on Saturday, March 15 & Sunday March 16, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the New York State Police Building. No preregistrations are required.



October 2024

Rochester Gem, Mineral, Jewelry and Fossil Show & Sale

DATE: October 26 - 27, 2024

TIME: Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm

VENUE: Total Sports Experience (435 West Commercial Street, Rochester, NY 14445)

COST: Adults $7, Kids 12 & under FREE, 2-day pass $10. Advance tickets available. 


HOST: Rochester Lapidary Society

The times will be Sat. the 26th -10 to 6 and Sun. the 27th - 10 to 5. It will be held at Total Sports Experience, 435 W. Commercial St., East Rochester (just off Interstate 490).

Adults $7, Kids under 12 free with adult, 2 day pass, $10. 

There are specimens for beginning and advanced collectors; beads to make your own necklaces, craft supplies, jewelry of all kinds, ethnic, antique or modern; geodes which can be opened on site, lights made of salt. You can buy a slice of a dinosaur tooth, or a fossil dinosaur bone. Our vendors have wonderful things from around the world.

Children’s activities like soapstone carving, mineral bingo, and rock painting will be replaced with mineral trivia and soapstone carving demonstrations for kids. Adult crafting tutorials/mini-workshops are being converted to demonstrations and instruction, but shared tools and supplies will not be available for hands-on learning.


MAPS Satellite Show 2024 in Northfield Inn, IL

DATE: Wednesday, October 16 - Saturday, October 19, 2024

VENUE: Northfield Inn, Suites & Conference Center (3280 Northfield Drive, Springfield, IL 62702)


Taking place prior to the main MAPS expo, dealers will be setup at the Northfield Inn & Suites, Oct 16th through the 19th. There will be several dozen dealers present with a wide variety of fossils with and emphasis on fossils from the mid-west.


MAPS National Fossil Exposition XLV

DATE: October 18 - 20, 2024

TIME: Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 8am - 5pm, Sunday 8am - 3pm

VENUE: Orr Building (Illinois State Fairgrounds, 66 4 H Road, Springfield, Illinois)

COST: Free


HOST: Mid America Paleontology Society (MAPS)

Buy, Sell, Swap and Display of Fossils Exclusively!

Free Admission to the World's Largest Fossil-Only Exhibition!

Visit for more information. 



WNY Earth Science Day with Buffalo Geological Society

DATE: October 12, 2024

TIME: 9 - 4pm

VENUE: Heritage Discovery Center (100 Lee St. Buffalo NY 14210)

COST: Free

HOST: Buffalo Geological Society

This event is to educate students, children and adults on the importance of geologists to our society and various job opportunities for geologists.



September 2024

Erie County Earth Science Day at Penn Dixie CANCELLED

DATE: September 14, 2024

TIME: 10 - 3 pm

VENUE: Penn Dixie Fossil Park

COST: Free

HOST: Penn Dixie Fossil Park


join us from 10 am – 3 pm, rain or shine, to learn about Western New York’s natural history, ecology, and resources through interactive exhibits and demonstrations in a family-friendly setting. Experience hands-on learning under the big tent!

There will also be a special Memory Quest activity on Earth Science Day! Teams of two or more must search around the park to answer questions and collect tokens to solve a puzzle. A keen ear and a sharp memory will help your team to the grand prize!

Thanks to the generous support of Erie County and the Buffalo Association of Professional Geologists, Earth Science Day is FREE to ALL – no registration or tickets are required. All ages are welcome. This event is accessible to those with mobility impairments and we recommend the use of a reach tool for fossil collecting.

Complimentary fossil collecting trowels will be available to all guests during the event.

Teachers: Please contact us in advance to schedule your group. There is no charge for unguided group tours on Earth Science Day but we request advance notice to help with our parking planning. Guided group tours are available at our usual rates.

This FREE event is made possible by Erie County and the Town of Hamburg. Donations are welcome through the day of the event and will support Penn Dixie’s community education efforts.



August 2024

Stone Tool Craftsman Show

DATE: Friday August 22, 10 AM - Sunday August 25, 2024 2 PM

TIME: 10am - 2pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday

VENUE: Letchworth State Park, Highbanks Recreation Area

HOST: Genesee Valley Flint Knappers Association 

Open to the public;  food concessions and group camping available for the weekend.



July 2024 

Syracuse Gem & Mineral Show

DATE: Saturday July 13 and Sunday July 14, 2024

TIME: Saturday 10 - 6pm, Sunday 10 - 4pm

VENUE: NYS Fairgrounds, Center of Progress Building (575 State Fair Blvd. Syracuse NY)


HOST: Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse


So Much to See and Do:

Minerals • Fossils • Crystals • Jewelry • Demonstrations • Lectures • Metaphysical

Youth Area with Sluice and Activities

The Famous 25 Cent Straw Draw

Located at NYS Fairgrounds, 
Center of Progress Building
581 State Fair Blvd. Syracuse NY 

*Bring an original NY Rocks postcard or ad in the paper and receive $1.00 OFF
Children under 12 & Scouts in uniform with an adult get in FREE

Shop ‘til You Drop

Enjoy a marketplace filled with 56 Unique Retail Vendors and 5 Wholesale Vendors. Get a preview of who’s coming to the show:

Learning Center Presentations

Saturday & Sunday!
Be entertained & enlightened by the wonders of the earth including wonders right in the State of New York, by four amazing professionals sharing their expertise at The Learning Center

The Metaphysical Center

Stop by The Metaphysical Center where Sages, Psychic Mediums, Mystics and Holistic Therapies all tap the wisdom within crystals to help you align with your highest potential in mind, body & spirit
Prices vary


French Creek Indian Artifact Show

DATE: Saturday July 27, 2024

TIME: 8 - 5pm

VENUE: Saint Philip Catholic Church Social Hall 401 South Mercer Street Linesville, PA 


HOST: French Creek Archaeological Society



 June 2023

Fairy Festival at the Buffalo Botanical Gardens

DATE: Saturday, June 15, 2024

TIME: 10 - 2pm

VENUE: 2655 South Park Ave, Buffalo, NY 14218

COST: Price of Admission

HOST: Buffalo Botanical Gardens

Join us for the annual Fairy Festival at the Buffalo Botanical Gardens for another Wegmans Day of Play! Fairies have taken over the Botanical Gardens and it's up to you to catch them! Skip through the Botanical Gardens with your favorite set of wings and go on a magical scavenger hunt through the secret world of fairies.

Please note that some vendors will have items available for purchase at a separate price from admission. 

Saturday, June 15
Fairy Festival 
Fairy Festival: 10am-2pm



April 2024

THINK GREEN at the Grand Island Welcome Center

DATE: Saturday, April 20, 2024

TIME: 11 - 2pm

VENUE: 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island, NY


HOST: Taste NY at the WNY Welcome Center

Taste NY at the WNY Welcome Center presents THINK GREEN at the Welcome Center on Grand Island. Join us from 11am - 2pm with a day of FREE earth friendly activities.

Taste NY will be giving away 100 native NYS trees (first come, first serve) starting at NOON, and featuring sustainable local products and small agriculture businesses that use environmentally friendly processes from our Taste NY store.

Other WNY environmentally friendly businesses and organizations will be joining us as well with informative tables & displays, and items for sale!

Other activities include:
• Planting wildflower seeds in compostable cups to take home
• Family crafts and activities
• Educational handouts to learn about how our vendors are thinking green
• Free samples of sustainable food products inside Taste NY

Other vendors & activities will unfold as we get closer to the date!
Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day with us! 1999 Alvin Road Grand Island, NY



2024 Albany Gem Mineral Fossil Show

DATE: Saturday April 13 & Sunday April 14 2024

TIME: Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 10am - 4pm

VENUE: Polish Community Center (225 Washington Ave Ext. Albany, NY 12205)



March 2024


Buffalo 54th Annual Gem, Mineral, Fossil Show: Birthstones

DATE: Saturday March 16 & Sunday March 17 2024

TIME: Saturday 9am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm

VENUE: Market, Grange & State Police Buildings at the Hamburg Fairgrounds (5820 South Park Ave., Hamburg, NY) (please use South Park Ave entrance)

COST: Adults $7, 2-Day pass $10, Scouts in uniform & children 12 yrs and under FREE


HOST: Buffalo Geological Society


Come to see “Birthstones” at the Buffalo Geological Society’s 54th Annual Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show on March 16-17, 2024, at the Erie County Fairgrounds in the Grange, Market and New York State Police Buildings in Hamburg, NY, on Saturday 9 am-6 pm and Sunday 10 am-5 pm.

This annual show provides an instant museum of Buffalo Geological Society Members’ fossils, minerals, and jewelry; demonstrators; the famous Mini-Mine for young collectors; the new mining operation for children and adults; mineral and fossil identification; and a variety of non-profit exhibitors. Fluorescent mineral exhibit will be available.

More info:



November 2023


DinoFEST at the Buffalo Museum of Science

DATE: Friday November 3 & Saturday November 4 2023

TIME: Friday (Sensory Night) 5pm - 8pm Saturday 10am - 4pm

VENUE: Buffalo Museum of Science (1020 Humboldt Pkwy, Buffalo NY 14211)

COST: Adults $21, Kids $18, Members FREE


Get ready to stomp and roar, because DinoFEST is BACK! Gather your budding paleontologists and geologists for a day of family fun, including:

  • hunt for hidden dino surprises in our oobleck dig pit
  • create your own fossil work of art
  • dig around our foam dino dig pit
  • investigate fossils with real paleontologists
  • examine ancient rocks with the Buffalo Geological Society
  • enjoy a free family photo op with the Science Museum Camera Club
  • and more!

Plus, guests may also purchase paleo bags to run through our Fossil Creek Sifting Station!

Save time in line and reserve your DinoFEST tickets online in advance.

Age: All ages

Cost: $21 for adults | $18 for children, FREE for members

Looking for Sensory Night: DinoFEST? Click here

 October 2023


Buffalo Botanical Gardens Coleus & Creatures Exhibit

DATE: September 1 - October 31, 2023

TIME: 10am - 4pm

VENUE: Buffalo Botanical Gardens (2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo NY 14218)

COST: Included in E-ticket Admission
$15.50 Adults
$14.00 Seniors (62+) & Students (13+ with ID)$8.50 Kids 3-12Kids 2 and under are free but must have a ticketGarden Members are free but must have a ticket


Past & Present was once again asked by the Buffalo Botanical Gardens to exhibit in their show, Coleus & Creatures from now until Halloween! We will have some daunting dinos like a Triceratops skull, a real walrus skull, a life-size Deinonychus raptor model, and fabulous fossils like our T-rex skull cast and a bison skull hidden around the Gardens! 

Take a trip to the Gardens and come visit us down the road (we're just 5 minutes away!) to tell us what was your favorite thing to see!

"Step into a world of prehistoric plants, captivating creatures, and colorful coleus at the Botanical Gardens! Explore the Botanical Gardens to find dozens of creatures made of LIVE plants including dinosaur succulent topiaries, a massive megalodon, a moss-made pterodactyl, a giant buffalo, a dragonfly, turtles, and more planty friends taking on new characters giving "plant-life" a whole new meaning! Looking for some real dinosaurs? Our friends from Past & Present will be showing off their life-size fossil casts including a giant T-Rex skull, a Triceratops skull and some life-like dinos hidden among the foliage.  

A special thank you to our friends from Past & Present! Past & Present is Buffalo's very own Science and Nature store as well as a Fossil Museum that is free and open to the public! They're your one-stop shop for all things minerals, crystals, fossils and more! Located down the street from us at 3767 South Park Ave in Blasdell, NY.

E-TICKETS are recommended for all visitors. Walk-ins may be turned away if our visitor capacity has been met. Please arrive within 15 minutes of your arrival time. Most visitors spend 45 minutes-1.5 hours to complete their visit, but you are welcome to stay until we close to the public."



MAPS National Fossil Exhibition XLIV

DATE: Friday October 20 and Sunday October 22, 2023 

TIME: Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 8am-5pm, Sunday 8am - 3pm

VENUE: Orr Building (Illinois State Fairgrounds 66 4H Road, Springfield, Illinois)

COST: Age 19 and over $2, age 12-18 $1, kids under 12 FREE with adult

HOST: Mid America Paleontology Society (MAPS)

The MAPS Fossil Expo is the largest show in the world that exhibits fossils exclusively. You'll find an enormous variety and number of fossils ranging from tiny insects to giant dinosaur bones. The great range of items at the show makes fossils accessible to all interests and budgets.

In addition to the Fossil Show itself, the Expo also presents a Friday evening lecture by a trained scientist speaking about the fossil theme of the year. And don't miss the fossil auction where fast-paced bidding brings great buys and all the proceeds go to the society's work of furthering paleontology education.


Botanical Gardens BOOtanical Celebration

DATE: Saturday October 28 2023 

TIME: 10am - 3pm

VENUE: Buffalo Botanical Gardens 

COST: with Admission price

HOST: Buffalo Botanical Gardens

A Wegmans Day of Play
Included with Regular Admission
Includes Coleus and Creatures Exhibit

Creatures and ghosts have come together to take over the Botanical Gardens for BOOTanical 2023! See all the exciting live-plant creatures and learn about the spooky natural world with a ‘creepy curiosities’ scavenger hunt. Be sure to check out the carnivorous plant collection and learn with our Botanical Gardens team about Coleus and our very own Corpse Plant Collection. Create your own clay bug stamps and dig for fossils in our play areas.  

Joining us for the day will be Hahn’s Honey BeesRepco, and Penn Dixie, with Dinosaurs and Artifacts displayed throughout the conservatory from Past & Present.

This is a candy-free event! We highly encourage adults and children to wear costumes for this spooktacular occasion! 

E-Tickets - E-TICKETS are recommended for all visitors. Walk-ins may be turned away if our visitor capacity has been met. Please arrive within 15 minutes of your arrival time. Most visitors spend 45 minutes-1.5 hours to complete their visit, but you are welcome to stay until we close to the public at 4pm. 



Rochester Gem Mineral Jewelry & Fossil Show and Sale

DATE: Saturday October 28 and Sunday October 29, 2023 

TIME: Saturday 10am - 6pm and Sunday 10am - 5pm

VENUE: Total Sports Experience (435 W. Commercial St., East Rochester, NY)

COST: Adults $7, kids under 12 FREE with adult, 2 day pass $10

HOST: Rochester Lapidary Society

Once again, it is being held the fourth weekend in October; October 28th and 29th, 2023.

The times will be Sat. the 22nd -10 to 6 and Sun. the 23rd - 10 to 5. It will be held at Total Sports Experience, 435 W. Commercial St., East Rochester (just off Interstate 490).

This year we did raise the price by $1. We have not had a rate change in many years and a lot of other shows have raised their admission even more. Adults $7, Kids under 12 free with adult; 2 day pass, $10. Advance sales tickets can skip the line at the door, and go right to the check in table. Advance Sale tickets can be upgraded to the 2-day pass at the door for an additional $3 per ticket. Saturday only.

There are specimens for beginning and advanced collectors; beads to make your own necklaces, craft supplies, jewelry of all kinds, ethnic, antique or modern; geodes, and lights made of salt. You can buy a slice of a dinosaur tooth, or a fossil dinosaur bone. Our vendors have wonderful things from around the world.

Children’s activities like soapstone carving, mineral bingo, straw draw, and rock painting will be with mineral trivia and soapstone carving demonstrations for kids. Adult crafting tutorials/mini-workshops and instruction as well.



August 2023

Stone Tool Craftsman Show

DATE: Friday August 25, 10 AM - Sunday August 27, 2023 2 PM

TIME: 10am - 2pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday

VENUE: Letchworth State Park, Highbanks Recreation Area

HOST: Genesee Valley Flint Knappers Association 

Open to the public;  food concessions and group camping available for the weekend.


July 2023


Syracuse Gem & Mineral Show

DATE: Saturday July 8 and Sunday July 9, 2023

TIME: Saturday 10 - 6pm, Sunday 10 - 4pm

VENUE: NYS Fairgrounds, Center of Progress Building (581 State Fair Blvd. Syracuse NY)

COST: $7.00, children under 12 & scouts in uniform with an adult FREE

HOST: Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse


So Much to See and Do:

Minerals • Fossils • Crystals • Jewelry • Demonstrations • Lectures • Metaphysical

Youth Area with Sluice and Activities

The Famous 25 Cent Straw Draw

Located at NYS Fairgrounds, 
Center of Progress Building
581 State Fair Blvd. Syracuse NY 

$7.00 per person*

*Bring an original NY Rocks postcard or ad in the paper and receive $1.00 OFF
Children under 12 & Scouts in uniform with an adult get in FREE

Shop ‘til You Drop

Enjoy a marketplace filled with 56 Unique Retail Vendors and 5 Wholesale Vendors. Get a preview of who’s coming to the show:

Learning Center Presentations

Saturday & Sunday!
Be entertained & enlightened by the wonders of the earth including wonders right in the State of New York, by four amazing professionals sharing their expertise at The Learning Center

The Metaphysical Center

Stop by The Metaphysical Center where Sages, Psychic Mediums, Mystics and Holistic Therapies all tap the wisdom within crystals to help you align with your highest potential in mind, body & spirit
Prices vary



French Creek Indian Artifact Show

DATE: Saturday July 29, 2023

TIME: 8 - 5pm

VENUE: Saint Philip Catholic Church Social Hall 401 South Mercer Street Linesville, PA 


HOST: French Creek Archaeological Society




 June 2023


Fairy Festival at the Buffalo Botanical Gardens

DATE: Sunday, June 11, 2023

TIME: 10 - 3pm

VENUE: 2655 South Park Ave, Buffalo, NY 14218

COST: Price of Admission

HOST: Buffalo Botanical Gardens


Join us for the annual Fairy Festival at the Buffalo Botanical Gardens for another Wegmans Day of Play! Fairies have taken over the Botanical Gardens and it's up to you to catch them! Skip through the Botanical Gardens with your favorite set of wings and go on a magical scavenger hunt through the secret world of fairies. Peek into a charming fairy village and talk with educators about interesting plants, winged pollinators and shop for your very own fairy crown with Nickel City Floral. Keep those fairy habitats safe by learning about pesticide free lawns with Erie County Environmental Management Council and their Spokesgnome, Frederick Lawn Gnomested! Also, very special this year, the WNY Rose Society will be joining us with their Rose Show in the Administration Building! Flutter over to see some stunning roses from 10am-4pm.

Please note that some vendors will have items available for purchase at a separate price from admission. 

Sunday, June 11
Fairy Festival and Rose Show
Fairy Festival: 10am-3pm
Rose Show: 10am-4pm



 April 2023

THINK GREEN at the Grand Island Welcome Center

DATE: Saturday, April 22, 2023

TIME: 11 - 2pm

VENUE: 1999 Alvin Road, Grand Island, NY


HOST: Taste NY at the WNY Welcome Center


Taste NY at the WNY Welcome Center presents THINK GREEN at the Welcome Center on Grand Island. Join us from 11am - 2pm with a day of FREE earth friendly activities.

Taste NY will be giving away 100 native NYS trees (first come, first serve) starting at NOON, and featuring sustainable local products and small agriculture businesses that use environmentally friendly processes from our Taste NY store. 

Other WNY environmentally friendly businesses and organizations like Citizens Coalition for Wildlife and Environment, students from NU Cares, NY Power Authority, Erie County 4H, Past & Present Science and Nature Store, and Buffalo Geological Society will be joining us as well with informative tables and displays! Erie County Master Gardener will be on site to help with questions and perform PH soil testing for $2 per sample!

 Other activities include:
• Planting wildflower seeds in compostable cups to take home
• DIY bird feeder craft, great for kids
• Other kids/family crafts & activities brought to you by Erie County 4-H and NU CARES-Student Club for Animal Rights, Environment, and Sustainability
• Educational handouts to learn about how our vendors are thinking green
• Free samples of sustainable food products inside Taste NY

Other vendors & activities will unfold as we get closer to the date!

Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day with us! 1999 Alvin Road Grand Island, NY



March 2023

53rd Annual Gem Mineral Fossil Show: Dinosaurs are Coming!

DATE: Saturday, March 18 - Sunday, March 19, 2023

TIME: Saturday 9am - 7pm, Sunday 9am - 6pm

VENUE: The Hamburg Fairgrounds: Market, Grange & State Police Buildings 

COST: $7, 2 Days $10, Children 12 years & under FREE 

HOST: Buffalo Geological Society, Inc.

“Dinosaurs are Coming” to the Buffalo Geological Society’s 53rd Annual Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show on March 18-19, 2023, at the Erie County Fairgrounds in the Grange, Market and New York State Police Buildings in Hamburg, NY, on Saturday, 9 am-7 pm and Sunday, 9 am-6 pm.

Please note the expanded hours of this year’s show due to the popularity of dinosaurs. In addition to models of over a dozen dinosaurs, there will be actual dinosaur bones collected by Glen LaPlaca, of Past & Present Science and Nature Store, on display.

(For members attending the March Show, membership renewals and reservations to the banquet can be made there. They should go to the club table for more information)



November 2022

DinoFEST at the Buffalo Museum of Science

DATE: November 12, 2022

TIME: Saturday 10am - 4pm

VENUE: Buffalo Museum of Science (1020 Humboldt Pkwy, Buffalo NY 14211)

COST: Adults $20, Kids $17, Members FREE


Get ready to stomp and roar, because our annual day of family-friendly dinosaur fun is BACK! Gather your budding paleontologists and geologists to explore our giant dino dig pit, learn how to walk like a dinosaur, meet real dino scientists and learn about their discoveries, and more!
Skip the line and purchase your tickets online in advance.
Age: All ages
Cost: $20 for adults | $17 for children, FREE for members

October 2022

Buffalo Botanical Gardens Coleus & Creatures Exhibit

DATE: August 20 - October 31, 2022

TIME: 10am - 4pm

VENUE: Buffalo Botanical Gardens (2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo NY 14218)

COST: Included in E-ticket Admission
$14.00 Adults
$12.50 Seniors (62+) & Students (13+ with ID)$7.50 Kids 3-12Kids 2 and under are free but must have a ticketGarden Members are free but must have a ticket


Past & Present was once again asked by the Buffalo Botanical Gardens to exhibit in their show, Coleus & Creatures from now until Halloween! We will have some daunting dinos like a Triceratops model and life-size Deinonychus raptor model, and fabulous fossils like our T-rex skull cast and a bison skull hidden around the Gardens! 

Take a trip to the Gardens and come visit us down the road (we're just 5 minutes away!) to tell us what was your favorite thing to see!

Calling all colorful creatures, big and small! Delight in the vibrant colors and friendly "creatures" of this brand-new exhibit at the Botanical Gardens! The Botanical Gardens will be filled with several cool, colorful creatures made out of live plants including dinosaur succulent topiaries, a coleus peacock, moss-made dinosaurs, a giant buffalo, a dragonfly, a shark, and more planty friends taking on new characters giving plant-life a whole new meaning! You'll also be dazzled by hundreds of vibrant colored coleus throughout the conservatory for some pops of color like you've never seen before. 

More details coming soon! 

E-TICKETS are recommended for all visitors. Walk-ins may be turned away if our visitor capacity has been met. Please arrive within 15 minutes of your arrival time. Most visitors spend 45 minutes-1.5 hours to complete their visit, but you are welcome to stay until we close to the public. 



MAPS Satellite Show 2021 in Northfield Inn, IL

DATE: Wednesday, October 19, 2021 - Saturday, October 22, 2022

VENUE: Northfield Inn, Suites & Conference Center (3280 Northfield Drive, Springfield, IL 62702)


Taking place prior to the main MAPS expo, dealers will be setup at the Northfield Inn & Suites, Oct 19th through the 22nd. There will be several dozen dealers present with a wide variety of fossils with and emphasis on fossils from the mid-west.
Thur, Oct 20th: 10:00am to 7:00pm
Fri, Oct 21: 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Sat, Oct 22: 9:00am to Noon


MAPS National Fossil Exposition XLIII

DATE: October 21 - 23, 2022

TIME: Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 8am - 5pm, Sunday 8am - 3pm

VENUE: Orr Building (Illinois State Fairgrounds, 66 4 H Road, Springfield, Illinois)

COST: 19 years old & Over $2; 12 - 18 $1; Under 12 FREE


HOST: Mid America Paleontology Society (MAPS)

Buy, Sell, Swap and Display of Fossils Exclusively!

The topic for Expo 2022 is 'Lagerstatten'.
Keynote Speaker: Don Bissett

Visit for more information. 


Rochester Gem, Mineral, Jewelry and Fossil Show & Sale

DATE: October 22 - 23, 2022

TIME: Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm

VENUE: Total Sports Experience (435 West Commercial Street, Rochester, NY 14445)

COST: Adults $6, Kids 12 & under FREE, 2-day pass $9. Advance tickets available. 


HOST: Rochester Lapidary Society

Once again, it is being held the fourth weekend in October; October 22nd and 23rd, 2022.

The times will be Sat. the 22nd -10 to 6 and Sun. the 23rd - 10 to 5. It will be held at Total Sports Experience, 435 W. Commercial St., East Rochester (just off Interstate 490).

Adults $6, Kids under 12 free with adult, 2 day pass, $9. Advance sales tickets can skip the line at the door, and go right to the check in table. Advance Sale tickets can be upgraded to the 2-day pass at the door for an additional $3 per ticket. Saturday only.

There are specimens for beginning and advanced collectors; beads to make your own necklaces, craft supplies, jewelry of all kinds, ethnic, antique or modern; geodes which can be opened on site, lights made of salt. You can buy a slice of a dinosaur tooth, or a fossil dinosaur bone. Our vendors have wonderful things from around the world.

Children’s activities like soapstone carving, mineral bingo, and rock painting will be replaced with mineral trivia and soapstone carving demonstrations for kids. Adult crafting tutorials/mini-workshops are being converted to demonstrations and instruction, but shared tools and supplies will not be available for hands-on learning.


Erie County Earth Science Day at Penn Dixie

DATE: Saturday October 1, 2022

TIME: 10 - 3 pm

VENUE: Penn Dixie Fossil Park

COST: Free

HOST: Penn Dixie Fossil Park


On Saturday, October 1st, join us from 10 am – 3 pm, rain or shine, to learn about Western New York’s natural history, ecology, and resources through interactive exhibits and demonstrations in a family-friendly setting. Experience hands-on learning under the big tent!

2022’s special guests include:

There will also be a special Memory Quest activity on Earth Science Day! Teams of two or more must search around the park to answer questions and collect tokens to solve a puzzle. A keen ear and a sharp memory will help your team to the grand prize!

Thanks to the generous support of Erie County and the Buffalo Association of Professional Geologists, Earth Science Day is FREE to ALL – no registration or tickets are required. All ages are welcome. This event is accessible to those with mobility impairments and we recommend the use of a reach tool for fossil collecting.

Complimentary fossil collecting trowels will be available to all guests during the event.

Teachers: Please contact us in advance to schedule your group. There is no charge for unguided group tours on Earth Science Day but we request advance notice to help with our parking planning. Guided group tours are available at our usual rates.

This FREE event is made possible by Erie County and the Town of Hamburg. Donations are welcome through the day of the event and will support Penn Dixie’s community education efforts.


August 2022


Stone Tool Craftsman Show

DATE: Friday August 26, 10 AM - Sunday August 28, 2022 2 PM

TIME: 10am - 2pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday

VENUE: Letchworth State Park, Highbanks Recreation Area

HOST: Genesee Valley Flint Knappers Association 

Open to the public;  food concessions and group camping available for the weekend.

July 2022

2022 Syracuse Gem, Mineral, Fossil and Jewelry Show

DATE: July 9 - 10, 2022


VENUE: Center of Progress Building at NY State Fairgrounds (575 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13209)


March 2022

52nd Annual Gem, Mineral, Fossil Show: Fossils of New York

DATE: Saturday, March 19 - Sunday, March 20, 2022

TIME: Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm

VENUE: Market, Grange & State Police Buildings at the Hamburg Fairgrounds (5820 South Park Ave., Hamburg, NY) (please use South Park Ave entrance)

COST: Adults $6, 2 Day pass $9, Children 12 & under FREE


HOST: The Buffalo Geological Society, Inc. 

The Buffalo Geological Society presents its 52nd Annual Gem Mineral & Fossil Show! A great field trip for the family and a real learning experience!

FREE PARKING, drawings and refreshments, and family fun!

Demonstrations, jewelry, Mini-Mine for children, exhibits, and dealers with minerals and fossils. 



April 2022

Buffalo Geological Society Presentation - Speaker Glen LaPlaca

DATE: Friday, April 1, 2022

TIME: 7:30pm

VENUE: Heritage Discovery Center, 100 Lee Street, Buffalo NY.

EVENT CATEGORY: Presentation

HOST: Buffalo Geological Society

Open to the public!

October 2021

MAPS Satellite Show 2021 in Northfield Inn, IL

DATE: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - Saturday, October 23, 2021

*NEW VENUE: Northfield Inn, Suites & Conference Center (3280 Northfield Drive, Springfield, IL 62702)



MAPS National Fossil Exposition 2021


DATE: Friday, October 22, 2021 - Sunday, October 24, 2021

*NEW VENUE: Illinois State Fairground, The Orr Building (66 4 H Rd, Springfield, IL 62702)




2021 Rochester Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show & Sale

DATE: Saturday, October 23, 10am - 6pm & Sunday October 24, 10am - 5pm

TIME: Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm

VENUE: Total Sports Experience (435 West Commercial Street, East Rochester, NY 14445)

COST: Adults $6, kids 12 and under FREE, 2-day pass $9


HOST: Rochester Lapidary Society


The Rochester Lapidary Society's annual Gem, Mineral, Fossil and Jewelry sale is the best gem show in the area.

Once again, it is being held the fourth weekend in October; October 23rd and 24th, 2021.

The times will be Sat. the 23rd -10 to 6 and Sun. the 24th - 10 to 5. It will be held at Total Sports Experience, 435 W. Commercial St., East Rochester (just off Interstate 490).

Adults $6, Kids under 12 free with adult, 2 day pass, $9. Advance sales tickets can skip the line at the door, and go right to the check in table.

There are specimens for beginning and advanced collectors; beads to make your own necklaces, craft supplies, jewelry of all kinds, ethnic, antique or modern; geodes which can be opened on site, lights made of salt. You can buy a slice of a dinosaur tooth, or a fossil dinosaur bone. Our vendors have wonderful things from around the world.

COVID-19 Info: Pending any changes in the policies for New York State, we will be following the rule of wearing a mask and staying socially distant. Depending on attendance restrictions, we may have people wait before entering the event. Further information will be made available on our website at

23rd Annual Erie County Earth Science Day at Penn Dixie

DATE: Saturday, October 2, 2021 

TIME: 10am - 4pm

VENUE: Penn Dixie Fossil Park (4050 North Street Blasdell, NY 14219)



HOST: Penn Dixie Fossil Park

On Saturday October 2nd, join us from 10 am – 4 pm, rain or shine, to learn about Western New York’s natural history, ecology, and resources through interactive exhibits and demonstrations in a family friendly setting. Experience hands-on learning under the big tent! 2021’s special guests include:

Thanks to the generous support of Erie County and our sponsors, Earth Science Day is FREE to ALL. All ages welcome. This event is accessible to those with mobility impairments and we recommend the use of a reach tool for fossil collecting.

Complimentary fossil collecting trowels will be available to all guests during the event.

Teachers: Please contact us in advance to schedule your group. There is no charge for unguided group tours on Earth Science Day but we request advance notice to help with our parking planning. Guided group tours are available at our usual rates.

This FREE event is made possible by Erie County and Town of Hamburg. Donations are welcome through the day of the event and will support Penn Dixie’s community education efforts.

August 2021

Stone Tool Craftsman Show & the 31st Annual Gathering of the Genesee Valley Flint Knappers Association, Inc.

DATE: Friday, August 27, 2021 - Sunday, August 29, 2021

VENUE: Letchworth State Park (1 Letchworth State Park Castile, NY 14427)


Website: Genesee Valley Flint Knappers Association, Inc. 
Letchworth State Park Website (1) for More Information 

July 2021

Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse Show 2021 CANCELLED

DATE: Saturday, July 10, 2021 - Sunday, July 11, 2021

VENUE: Center of Progress Building New York State Fair (575 State Fair Blvd. Syracuse, NY)

CONTACT: Duck Lyons, President




52nd Annual Gem & Mineral Show & Sale

DATE: Saturday, July 24 - Sunday, July 25, 2021

TIME: Saturday 10 - 6pm, Sunday 10 - 5pm

VENUE: Zem Zem Shriners Banquet & Conference Center (2525 W 38th St., Erie, PA)

COST: Adults $4, Seniors $3.50, Children under 12 FREE, Scouts in uniform FREE

HOST: Gem City ROCK and Mineral Society


Dealers, door prizes, crystals, fossils, geodes, jewelry, beads, activities for children!

(Admission to the event will be based on Federal, State, Local and Conference Center recommendations and mandate for masks, social distancing and occupancy at the time of the show & sale)




French Creek Archaeological Society Artifact and Relic Show 2021

DATE: Saturday, July 31, 2021

TIME: 9 - 4pm

VENUE: St. Philip Catholic Church Social Hall (St. Philip Church 401 S. Mercer Street Linesville, PA 16424)

COST: $4.00 per person. PLEASE BRING EXACT CHANGE. Children 12 & under are FREE.


CONTACT: John Sites (814-398-8212)


The number of people could be restricted and social distancing may be required. 

Displays & Items for Sale: Indian Artifacts, Fossils, Minerals, Jewelry, Display Case & Flint Knapping Supplies. You never know what you may find or see!

Demonstrations: Flint Knapping & Spear Throwing

Bring your artifacts & fossils in for identification!



March 2021

Buffalo Geological Society's 52nd Annual Gem-Mineral-Fossil Show: "Fossils of New York" CANCELLED

DATE: Saturday March 20, 2021 @ 10am - 6pm, and Sunday March 21 @ 10am - 5pm

VENUE: The Fairgrounds in the Grange, Market and New York State Police Buildings (5600 McKinley Pkwy Hamburg, NY 14075) 

COST: $6.00

ORGANIZER: Buffalo Geological Society 


A great educational experience
• Educational Displays
• Lapidary Arts
• Fossils
• Minerals
• Private Gem Collections
• Unique Gifts

Free Parking
Free Admission for Children 12 and Under
Free Admission for Scouts (and Leaders) in Uniform

October 2020

Rochester Gem and Mineral Show CANCELLED

DATE: October 24, 2020 @ 10:00am - October 25, 2020 @ 5:00pm

VENUE: Total Sports Experience (435 West Commercial St, East Rochester, NY 14445)

COST: $6.00


Saturday October 24, 2020 from 10am to 6pm
Sunday October 25, 2020 
from 10am to 5pm

2020 Rochester Gem, Mineral, Jewelry and Fossil Show & Sale

At our NEW Location: Total Sports Experience
Kids Activities, Educational Displays, Demonstrations, Raffle, Beads, Crystals, Fossils, Minerals, Jewelry, Carvings, Spheres, Straw Draw, Hourly Door Prizes, & Much More!

Admission $6 for Adults, Kids 12 & Under free with an Adult. 
Students receive a half price daily admission with valid student ID.
There is also a 2-day pass available for $9.00.
Tickets sold at the door only.



 August 2020

Artifact & Relic Show CANCELLED

DATE: Saturday, August 1 2020 @ 9:00am - 4:00pm

VENUE: St. Philip Catholic Church Social Hall (401 S. Mercer Street Linesville, PA 16424) 

COST: $4.00 (Children 12 and under free)

PHONE: John Sites 814-398-8212



Artifact & Relic Show 2020 Presented by the French Creek Archaeological Society

DISPLAYS & ITEMS FOR SALE: Indian artifacts, fossils, minerals, jewelry, display cases & flint knapping supplies. You never know what you may find or see!

Masks are required at all times. For safety reasons, a limited number of people will be allowed in the hall at any given time. Please maintain social distancing. 

DEMONSTRATIONS: Flint knapping & spear throwing

Bring your artifacts and fossils in for identification! 

For more information, call John Sites at 814-398-8212


Letchworth Artifacts Show CANCELLED

DATE: August 2020

VENUE: 1 Letchworth State Park, Castile, NY 14427

COST: Free


Stone Tool Craftsman Show 2020/30th Annual Gathering of the Genesee Valley Flintknappers

Letchworth State Park - Highbanks Recreation Area


-Flintknapping demonstrations under the knappers tent and throughout the event site

-Sales and personal displays of knapping by various artists

-Award ceremony 


-Walk through the camps and visit with the re-enactors

-Purchase period items from trade blankets

-See black powder firearm demonstrations


-Eastern Seaboard Atlatl Competition,

-New York Atlatl Association (NYAA) Contests,

-Toss Across the Gorge Qualifiers, Silhouette Shoot

-Mammoth Hunt and Atlatl Battle



May 2020

Buffalo Geological Society Annual Show CANCELLED

Due to the statewide-ban on large-scale gatherings to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, our 2020 show has been CANCELLED

DATE: May 16 @ 10:00am - May 17 @ 5:00pm 

VENUE: The Fairgrounds (5600 McKinley Pkwy Hamburg, NY 14075)

COST: $6.00

ORGANIZER: Buffalo Geological Society 


A great educational experience
• Educational Displays
• Lapidary Arts
• Fossils
• Minerals
• Private Gem Collections
• Unique Gifts

Free Parking
Free Admission for Children 12 and Under
Free Admission for Scouts (and Leaders) in Uniform


April 2020

Due to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, the Pre-MAPS and MAPS Shows are CANCELLED

Pre-MAPS (Mid America Paleontology Society) Show CANCELLED

Jump Start Hotel Show

DATE: April 15 @ 8:00am - April 19 @ 8:00pm

VENUE: Clarion Hotel (2525 N Dodge St. 1-80, Exit 246 Iowa City, IA)


-- Free Admission and Parking! 

3 Day Jump-Start Show officially opens Wednesday April 15th at 8 AM
The main focus is on fossils, gems and minerals, meteorites, novelty items and jewelry.


MAPS (Mid-America Paleontological Society) Show CANCELLED 

Due to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, this 2020 show has been CANCELLED

DATE: April 17 @ 8:00am - April 19 @ 5:00pm

VENUE: Sharpless Auctions Facility (5049 Herbert Hoover Hwy, NE, I-80 Exit 249 Iowa City, Iowa)


This is the worlds largest fossils only event!



INCLUDING: Trilobites, Crinoids, Corals,
Shark Teeth, Cephalopods, Plant Fossils,
Vertebrates, Dinosaur Eggs, Fossil Shells,
Books, and Other Fossil-Related

Children’s Activities, Silent Auctions,

Watch for a list of speakers coming soon!


February 2020

Albany Gem Mineral and Fossil Show and Sale - Annual James Campbell Memorial 

DATE: February 22 @ 10:00am - February 23 @ 5:00pm

VENUE: New York State Museum (222 Madison Ave Albany, NY 12230)

COST: $5.00



The Annual James Campbell Memorial Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show and Sale will take place on Saturday and Sunday, February 22, 2020 (10 am – 5 pm), and Sunday, February 23th, 10-5.

Vendors display and sell gems, jewelry, minerals, fossils, and much more.

$5 each day. Children 12 and under are free.
**Cash Only**

Co-sponsored by the Capital District Mineral Club and the New York Academy of Mineralogy. All proceeds benefit the Museum’s mineral acquisition fund.


January 2020


DATE: January 25 @ 6:00pm - February 29 @ 10:00pm

VENUE: Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens (2655 South Park Ave Buffalo, NY 14218)

COST: $15.50


Past & Present was generously selected to loan fossils and minerals to display in two rooms of the Buffalo Botanical Gardens for Lumagination!

Mysterious Minerals – The interior of the Botanical Gardens will be illuminated to excite imaginations, stimulate the senses and entertain all ages! This year, visitors will experience the extraordinary facets of Earth and minerals. From simulated salt caves and stalactites to wooden sculptures, balancing stones, geodes and crystals, Lumagination will take visitors on a journey like no other!

January 24 – Launch Party – Tickets sold separately
January 25-26, January 29-February 1
February 5-9, 12-22, 26-29

6-9pm / 6-10pm Friday and Saturday
Doors open at 5:30pm.

Please note that Lumagination is best experienced after the sun sets.


General Admission / Garden Member Pricing
Adults $15.50 / $13.50
Seniors (62+) $14 / $12
Students (with ID) $14 / $12
Kids (3-12) $7 / $7
Kids 2 and under are free

Please email or call 716.827.1584 ext. 211 with questions.


November 2019


DATE: November 9, 2019

TIME: 10:00am - 4:00pm

VENUE: Buffalo Museum of Science (1020 Humboldt Pkwy Buffalo, NY 14211)

PHONE: (716) 896-5200

The Buffalo Museum of Science is again hosting this years DinoFEST. This event is featured for everyone and includes many guest exhibitors. Be sure to visit our table at this years event on Saturday, November 9th (10am to 4pm).


October 2019

Earth Science Day 

DATE: October 5, 2019 

TIME: 9:00am - 4:00pm

VENUE: Penn Dixie Site 

Earth Science Day. Join us for science and nature fun from 9 am to 4 pm, rain or shine at the Penn Dixie Site. Lloyds Taco Truck will be there for food during this all day event.


Rochester Gem and Mineral Show

DATE: October 26, 2019 @ 10:00am - October 27, 2019 @ 5:00pm

VENUE: Total Sports Experience (435 West Commercial St, East Rochester, NY 14445)

COST: $6.00


Saturday October 26, 2019 from 10am to 6pm
Sunday October 27, 20
19 from 10am to 5pm

2019 Rochester Gem, Mineral, Jewelry and Fossil Show & Sale

At our NEW Location: Total Sports Experience
Kids Activities, Educational Displays, Demonstrations, Raffle, Beads, Crystals, Fossils, Minerals, Jewelry, Carvings, Spheres, Straw Draw, Hourly Door Prizes, & Much More!

Admission $6 for Adults, Kids 12 & Under free with an Adult. 
Students receive a half price daily admission with valid student ID.
There is also a 2-day pass available for $9.00.
Tickets sold at the door only.


August 2019

Letchworth Artifacts Show 

DATE: August 23, 2019 - August 25, 2019

VENUE: 1 Letchworth State Park, Castile, NY 14427

COST: Free



Stone Tool Craftsman Show 2019/29th Annual Gathering of the Genesee Valley Flintknappers

Letchworth State Park - Highbanks Recreation Area

Friday, August 23rd - August 25th 

10:00am - 5:00pm (Friday & Saturday) 10:00am - 2:00pm (Sunday)


-Flintknapping demonstrations under the knappers tent and throughout the event site

-Sales and personal displays of knapping by various artists

-Award ceremony – Sunday at 11:00 AM


-Walk through the camps and visit with the re-enactors

-Purchase period items from trade blankets

-See black powder firearm demonstrations

ATLATL COMPETITIONS: August 23rd, 24th, & 25th

-Eastern Seaboard Atlatl Competition,

-New York Atlatl Association (NYAA) Contests,

-Toss Across the Gorge Qualifiers, Silhouette Shoot

-Mammoth Hunt and Atlatl Battle


November 2018

DinoFEST at the Buffalo Museum of Science

DATE: November 9, 2018 @5:30pm - November 10, 2018 @ 4:00pm

VENUE: Buffalo Museum of Science (1020 Humboldt Pkwy, Buffalo, NY 14211)

PHONE: (716) 896-5200


A family day event at the Buffalo Museum of Science featuring special exhibits on dinosaurs and much more!


September 2018

Fall Harvest Festival 

DATE: September 29, 2018

TIME: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

VENUE: Bassett Park on the corner of Youngs and Klein Road in Williamsville, NY

Come see us at this outdoor event on Saturday September 29th. We are looking forward to the Fall Harvest Festival, with many dealers and great exhibits to view. We will be set up for this outdoor show in Bassett Park on the Corner of Youngs and Klein Road.


August 2018

Dinosaurs, Fossils & Nature Science Summer Day Camp

DATE: August 15, 2018

TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm

COST: $200 


Pre-registration is required for this special event. We will be studying fossils from all over the world, including how they form, where they come from, and other important and fun information. This program is a special day, and is only one of a week of special activities performed with Penn Dixie.


July 2018

Dinosaurs, Fossils & Nature Science Summer Day Camp

DATE: July 18, 2018

TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm

COST: $200


Pre-registration is required for this special event. We will be studying fossils from all over the world, including how they form, where they come from, and other important and fun information. This program is a special day, and is only one of a week of special activities performed with Penn Dixie.


June 2018

Great Lakes Experience

DATE: June 9, 2018

TIME: 11:00am - 5:00pm

COST: Free

Venue: Memorial Park (Lake Shore Dr West, Dunkirk, NY)


November 2017

Dino Daze

DATE: November 11, 2017 - November 12, 2017

TIME: 10:00am - 4:00pm

VENUE: Buffalo Museum of Science (1020 Humboldt Pkwy, Buffalo, NY 14211)

PHONE: (716) 896-5200

Come and join us for Dino Daze at the Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, New York. It will be held from 10 am-4 pm on Saturday November 11th, and Sunday November 12th. This show features costumed dinosaurs, Paleontologist activities, a dino dig pit, and much more. See us and other wonderful special exhibits at this great event.


June 2017

Book Sale! 

DATE: June 22, 2017 - June 24, 2017

TIME: 10:00 am - 5:00pm

VENUE: Past & Present 

On Thursday, June 22, Friday, June 23, and Saturday, June 24, Past & Present Science and Nature Store is having a book sale on many of its books, new and used. Many are classic books from the 1800’s, and many are out of print additions. Many books are out for the first time, and are on a first come, first served basis. They include all of our New York State publications. Most books are non-fiction reference books, and books for pre school through adult readers.


October 2015

18th Annual WNY Earth Science Day

DATE: October 10, 2015 

TIME: 9:00am - 4:00pm




National Earth Science Day WNY celebration at Penn Dixie co-sponsored with the Buffalo Association of
Professional Geologists.

Talk to earth scientists as they exhibit and demonstrate various aspects of their professions; see a drill rig demonstrating rock coring and drilling operations; view sunspots; collect fossils; and participate in a wide variety of other activities.

Girl and boy scouts can earn badge requirements.


June 2015

Children's Day

DATE: June 7, 2015 

TIME: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

VENUE: Penn Dixie Site (4050 North St, Blasdell, NY 14219)

COST: $7.00


PHONE: (716) 627-4560


Celebrate Childrenʼs Day at Penn Dixie!

Special fun events for children and their families, prizes for childrenʼs contests, viewing sunspots and other astronomy activities, fossil identification, and more!

Adults $7 each
Children 12 and under $6
Children 2 and under & Penn Dixie members FREE.


October 2014

Rochester Gem & Mineral Show

DATE: October 25, 2014 @ 8:00am - October 26, 2014 @ 5:00pm

VENUE: Rochester Main Street Armory (900 E Main St, Rochester, NY 14605)


ORGANIZER: Rochester Lapidary Society 


42nd Annual Rochester Gem, Mineral, Jewelry & Fossil Show and Sale!

It will be at the same location as last year: The Rochester Main Street Armory


August 2014

Dinosaurs, Fossils & Nature Science Summer Day Camp

DATE: August 13, 2014 

TIME: 9:00am - 3:00pm